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AVEA Method

The operational model of all our services

With our AVEA method, we support you in strategic planning, propose suitable development plans through feasibility studies, are capable of managing your events, collaborate in various phases of museological design and implementation, and much more…

Immagini Mani Valtellina




AVEA is the operational model of all services offered by SOLUZIONIMUSEALI ims.

Our experience has taught us that in any situation, the best way forward requires 4 phases: A-V-E-A.

What sets us apart is the attention we give to listening to the Client’s needs and the proposal of a learning method that includes a practical phase.

To Listen for soluzionimuseali ims means to understand the Client, to study and to share their workplace. This leads us to have a holistic approach during the analysis and final elaboration, making us able to recognise different aspects and to maintain a 360° perspective.

The final elaboration of the strategies will be then specifically tailored, starting from a careful evaluation of context, needs and general feasibility.
This way we can guarantee results and optimal implementation.

We have determined that the practical phase is of fundamental experience in ensuring a complete learning journey because it helps to develop the project planning abilities and it allows showing the limits and opportunities of the theoretical phases.

AVEA is our project planning method, adaptable to your cultural institution.


Communication with the Client is based on listening to their needs, bringing to light even the most hidden and unexpressed aspects.

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The analysis of the context, risks, strengths and weaknesses, costs, benefits, and feasibility.

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The project, scenarios, strategies, and proposals that arise from the collection of the previous phases.

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The most suitable solutions for the sustainability and effectiveness of the project, in a continuous process of fine-tuning.

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I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.

Ernest Hemingway

Listening is a long and patient process, like learning. Through listening, we learn to understand our clients and their needs, and our clients learn to focus on their goals.

An idea manifests itself and, by discussing it, it becomes enriched with insights and contributions, eventually turning into a project. The more people, the more stakeholders, who engage with an idea, expressing their needs, aspirations, desires, as well as their doubts or resistances, the more the project becomes a shared project.

Listening allows us to take note of everything: every position, every doubt, and every request.

Listening also enables us to ask questions, helping our interlocutor to formulate a precise and increasingly detailed response, a response that brings together aspects initially not considered, a response—or a series of responses—that increasingly approaches the solution to critical issues.

SOLUZIONIMUSEALI ims does this: we listen to understand and to better focus on the objectives, to help delve into all aspects that make up the idea, and to highlight all the relationships that can develop, in a holistic approach.

We listen to find points of contact between what is expressed and what remains unexpressed, between doubts and aspirations.

We listen to understand what the strengths are and what opportunities might not be immediately evident, and to anticipate possible obstacles and weaknesses in the idea, to be resolved in the project definition phase.

We listen to identify the key that will turn the idea into a winning project.


Habitually creating new evaluations, this is elevation.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our actions follow us, creating orientations, feelings, judgments, implicit evaluations, ways of reacting, attitudes, habits...

Henry Guiochet

A valuation of the purpose of life must be added to science if it is to bring happiness.

Bertrand Russel

Evaluating for SOLUZIONIMUSEALI ims does not simply mean expressing a judgment.

Starting from an in-depth study, the second step of our method follows listening and is intrinsically linked to the first phase: it means starting from the analysis of everything discussed with the client and the reflection made together.

Thus, evaluation emerges from a study of the context in all its parts. This practically means understanding the risks, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities of the reality we are facing in a broad sense: considering the individual parts but also how they work together and integrate with the client’s operating reality. It is a sort of feasibility plan.

Evaluating also means referring to guaranteed and official standards: identifying the objectives and quality levels that must be achieved. No one exists in a vacuum, and an honest and objective analysis must necessarily compare with the local, national, and international context.

Evaluating means measuring and understanding what can and must be achieved. What is necessary? What is possible? In this step, evaluating also means weighing the costs against the benefits and reflecting on the feasibility of every possible action.

The goal of evaluation is not simply to give a grade, but to be already projected towards the future: it is a constructive analysis in itself, aimed at ensuring maximum applicability.

Therefore, the main objective of the evaluation is entirely directed at what the final results should be. Not just an examination, but a moment of reflection to be carried out together with the client to understand what can be built together. Evaluating is thus also learning, and it can become an opportunity for training in the classroom and in the field, where sometimes even prototypes anticipate the functions and operability of the project.


It is good practice, when faced with a problem to solve, to first clarify its terms and, in particular, when it is a complex problem, to decide which strategy is most suitable for its solution.

Rita Levi-Montalcini

Thanks to the previous phases, we manage to establish a close relationship with our clients, in an alternation of sharing and research that now, in the elaboration phase, gives life to the “project”, the most suitable solution to the client's requests.

It is like conducting an investigation: data is collected, hypotheses are evaluated, and then the crime scene is reconstructed.

What we do in this phase is very similar: we develop a plan, a project, a strategy that solves our client's problem and takes into account the set objectives; a plan that answers all the questions that have arisen, using what we have learned during the listening phase and what we discovered in the feasibility verification phase.

Now, in the elaboration phase, we activate our creativity and experience to propose the most suitable strategy based on what has been specifically gathered.

Our elaboration is never a standard formula: nothing can be standard in this field because every museum and every project is made up of a set of different people and situations. Certainly, our experience, which has exposed us to many situations both nationally and internationally, allows us to find comparisons, propose models to adapt to the ongoing project, but the final solution, always elaborated together with our clients at least in its final review, will always be unique and particular.


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.

Johann wolfgang von Goethe

Think globally, act locally. Think strategically, act tactically.

Peter Drucker

Applying what has been developed, what has been learned and understood from research and analysis always involves a moment of disillusionment when bringing it into applied reality: "I hadn't thought it would be like this... it was supposed to be different..." A small cog, despite all care, was overlooked, a parameter or variable that has changed, even imperceptibly, demands our immediate attention and requires quick and adequate corrective reactions.

Thus, even in the application phase, the AVEA protocol is immediately revisited: as we implement our project, we must listen to possible improvements, assess their feasibility and coherence, devise the necessary modifications, and apply them immediately.

However, the more thorough the previous phases have been, the closer and more engaged the client relationship, and the deeper the knowledge of the situations and context, the fewer the modifications that will be needed in the project.

Certainly, it may be realized that there were knots in the planning, things that could have been done better, faster, or with less effort, but overall the implemented project will be the reified version of the one on paper.

During the evaluation and development phases, the project's obsolescence timelines and which approaches to adopt to ensure its sustainability and relevance in the long term were considered.

And the process will resume... and we will still be available to accompany you.