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Digital transformation e Virtual museums. The new world is already here.

Editorial Team
Editorial Team




Dgital Transformation Feature

SOLUZIONIMUSEALI ims contributed to Nancy Proctor‘s participation in a lecture organised by Meet the Media Guru..

The meeting was held in Milan on May 17 and was the occasion to address the theme of digital transformation of museums and cultural heritage.

The idea of Proctor, which we share, is that digital transformation can open doors to new ways of making culture and being a museum. Without undermining conservation and the recovery mission which are at the basis of museums It is now essential to align their communication and exposure to the most current creative languages.

Here you can review the videolecture.

In this regard, we would like to offer you the interesting case of the project “A Voz da Arte“,developed by the Pinacoteca di São Paulo, aiming at making the museum visit a highly interactive experience. Through the IBM Watson artificial intelligence platform, created by IBM Brazil, has been given “voice” to seven works of art, thanks to an application that can answer any question posed by visitors.

The future is in chatbots? Have you tried those of the Circuit of Museum Houses in Milan?

Finally, Vannini was involved in ViMM, a European project led by the Cyprus University of Technology, about Virtual Museums. Can we define exactly what a Virtual Museum is? Can we give a unique definition?

What is Virtual Museum for you? If you want to contribute to the definition, you can go to our Facebook page and write down your definition.