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Ecomuseo del Sasso di Moltrasio

A community project

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In 2021, we were contacted by the Municipality of Moltrasio to assist them in the creation of a museum.

As often happens, thanks to our AVEA method, we realized that a museum was not the best solution for their needs. Instead, based on the resources they had already developed for their territorial marketing, the "tool" that best met their expectations would be an ecomuseum.

We then began a thorough and extensive mapping of the area to highlight the Points of Interest (PoIs) of both tangible and intangible heritage. We mapped and engaged all stakeholders to gather their availability and address any concerns.

It was a pleasure to organize a series of study trips for the Client and Project Governance to explore how various regions, with characteristics similar to Moltrasio, conceptualize, manage, and experience an ecomuseum.

The journey of this project was long but brought us many satisfactions: it was a truly shared project - even by the parties in opposition on the Municipal Council, to whom we presented the main objective and the planned actions to achieve it.

Now, after three years, although interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ecomuseum of Sasso di Moltrasio has been born!

We laid the foundation, took the measurements, and provided the tools for them to "tailor their suit." This is how we like to work: being facilitators, providing tools, and enabling them to walk on their own. Only in this way, in our opinion, will a project be truly sustainable over time.

Best wishes for a long life, Ecomuseum of Sasso di Moltrasio!


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