soluzionimuseali-ims at the tradefair Salone del Restauro in Ferrara

M. Cristina Vannini
M. Cristina Vannini

In April we took part as exhibitors at the Salone del Restauro di Ferrara; during the event we organised a specialistic workshop on Museum Branding, with our director Maria Cristina Vannini, Dr. Annamaria Esposito of University IULM of Milan. Engineering Informatica SpA presented their platform for museum storytelling: a tool that can help improving the museum reputation among the visitors who can live a closer visit experience

To have the files of the presentations, do not hesitate to contact us via our website.

Further readings, a comment in Italian by soluzionimuseali-ims

Un nostro commento: Le Fiere tradizionali hanno senso in un mondo sempre più virtuale?  (what’s the meaning of tradizional tradefairs in a world turning more and more virtual?)

Collezione da Tiffany, editoriale27 giugno 2017, di Stefano Monti, Mostre digitali? sì grazie!