
Content Design & Production

Research, analysis, organization of cultural content, and communication strategies to make the content of your project accessible and appealing.

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Content Design & Production / Strategic Planning

Sound Forests

Realization and adaptation of the PNRR intervention project. Creation of the Community Map, community building activities, writing texts, research materials, supplier management. Conception and management of a call for ideas for artists, identification of institutional jury, realization of an exhibition to present projects.

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Content Design & Production

Rediscover Yasmin Brandolini d'Adda

Consultancy for the valorization of the artistic production of Yasmin Brandolini d'Adda. Website creation and maintenance, art direction and IG profile management. Video recording and photo shooting.

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Arengario illustrazione

Content Design & Production


Creation of the online exhibition Milano città immaginata. 10 projects from the archives of CASVA. Exhibition structure idea, art direction, content coordination, writing texts for the exhibition, videos, translations, animations.

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Content Design & Production

Casa Paganini Experience

Conception of the museological path, identification and coordination of experts, writing of texts. Consultancy for the screenplay of multimedia installations.

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Cantiere Memoria Contatto

Content Design & Production

CANTIEREMEMORIA Contatto | La natura del sapere

Management of the Christmas schedule for the City of Milan at the Casa della Memoria: graphic design, social media management. Organization of musical performances, interviews, online workshops. Live streaming audio-video recordings. Video recording and editing, photo shooting. Animations. Podcasting. Logistics and contractual management with suppliers.

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Muze X

Content Design & Production


Social media communication management.

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Idee Piccoli Musei Post Covid

Content Design & Production

Toolkit for visitors’ journey post Covid19

Analysis of the conditions necessary for the return of visitors to museums: advice and strategies.

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Ritorno al museo

Content Design & Production

Return to the Museum - Survey

Demoscopic survey during the pandemic on expectations of returning to normality and perspectives of change in the consumption of culture and museums.

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Cascina Linterno Casa Petrarca 02

Content Design & Production

Casa Petrarca Project

Production of a video for Casa Petrarca: scriptwriting, filming, and editing.

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Cascina Linterno Casa Petrarca 01

Content Design & Production

Cascina Linterno: design and promotion Petrarca's House

Feasibility study, design, writing of the call for tenders for the setup and cultural offer of Casa Petrarca. Sponsorship plan.

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Villa Bernasconi a Cernobbio 14

Content Design & Production

Villa Bernasconi - museological plan and relation with the stakeholders

Museological project, civic engagement campaign, collaboration in creating the graphic image, brand strategy, stakeholder relations.

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Amalia del Ponte Mostra Onde lunghe e brevissime 01

Content Design & Production

Amalia Del Ponte – Onde lunghe e brevissime

Exhibition realization: coordination of transport, insurance, setup project, lighting, projections.

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Mostra Enigma Tavolette enigmatiche

Content Design & Production

Exhibition “Enigma"

Exhibition “Enigma - Enigmatic Tablets” – international exhibition on enigmatic tablets – Archaeological Museum of the Upper Mantuan area, Cavriana (Mn)/ Kelten-Römer Museum Manching (DE). Content coordination, loan management and insurance, setup, writing of panel texts.

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Content Design & Production

Exhibition "Milano 1947-2007"

Exhibition "Milano 1947-2007. Ideas for a house of history" Collaboration in the phases of conception, design, realization of the exhibition, content coordination, and loan management.

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DVD Mezzate

Content Design & Production

Video "At the roots of what we see"

Production of a video on the archaeological excavation works and the renovation of the Church of SS. Pietro e Paolo - Mezzate (Mi).

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Palazzo Moriggia Museo del Risorgimento di Milano

Content Design & Production

Exhibition "The Resistance in Europe" - organization and loans policies

Collaboration in the phases of conception, design, realization of the exhibition, content coordination, and loan management.

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